Using Your Resources: University of Kansas Medical Center A. R. Dykes Library
By Kelly Hale, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Feb 07, 2023
Some may not be aware of the great resource a library can be throughout your life and it’s no different if you are conducting research.
KUMC’s Dykes Library can assist with many aspects of an investigators research, including background information, assistance with mobile applications and tools.
Peter Johnson, who is the biomedical librarian for the University’s School of Medicine (there are also librarians who support the School of Nursing and the School of Health Professions), is one of the staff you’ll meet if you need assistance in with one of the many resources and tools you’ll find in the library. And the librarians can assist any KUMC affiliated researcher with copyright compliance, troubleshooting, information discovery, and more.
Johnson and the other staff can help assist with constructing the research strategy so investigators can get the best results from their project, or as Johnson says, “empowering the work of others to be successful.” And it’s important that as people access more tools and resources that they feel comfortable using them, no matter where they are located.
Since library assistance can range anywhere from a single visit to several follow-up meetings to six to 18 months for a single research project, it’s important to start with a research consultation so investigators know what they need to make sure their time is well spent. You can schedule a review with Johnson using this link:
And two of the most important resources you’ll find at the library? A human connection and realizing your own success.
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