Call for Abstracts and Case Reports
By Frontiers , Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Nov 03, 2022
Call for Abstracts and Case ReportsThe Midwest Clinical & Translational Research Meeting is accepting abstracts and case reports about clinical research techniques and new research findings in the categories of cardiology, gastroenterology, pulmonary and critical care, hematology and oncology, endocrinology, nephrology, infectious disease, allergy, healthcare research/clinical epidemiology/quality improvement, implementation science to name a few. Learn more. DEADLINE: There is an early abstract submission fee if received by January 6, 2023. The final submission deadline is Monday, February 6. In addition, CSCTR and AFMR members receive a special submission fee. MEMBERSHIP: You must be a CSCTR or AFMR member in 2023 to receive a submission discount, apply for all awards, and receive a discount on meeting registration fees. Be sure to join or renew your CSCTR and/or AFMR membership today. NEW CSCTR PILOT TRANINEE MEMBERSHIP: CSCTR announces a 2023 Pilot Trainee membership open to students, residents, and fellows in clinical or translational sciences and who wish to enjoy networking and mentorship as they navigate new experiences and opportunities to achieve professional goals. Join today ($60) and immediately qualify for the April 2023 annual meeting abstract and registration discounts! QUESTIONS: Please contact info@csctr.org. |
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