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Columbia University: NIH Grant Writing Boot Camp: Building a Strong Foundation for Funding Success
Date/Time: Jun 16, 2025, 09:00 AM to Jun 17, 2025, 04:00 PM
Location: Livestream, virtual training
Federal grants, particularly from the NIH, provide a critical means of support for academic research programs. Despite the importance of this support in advancing both research and researchers’ careers, training in how to obtain grants is uneven at best. This training gap leaves many researchers struggling to learn as they go, which can introduce significant stress, delay the time to a successful application, and impact their overall productivity. The good news is that training and hands-on practice can enable you to conquer grant writing, increase your chances of receiving funding, and devote more time to moving your scientific goals forward.
The 2-day NIH Grant Writing Boot Camp: Building a Strong Foundation for Funding Success will provide comprehensive training that supplies researchers with the tools to write persuasive, effective grant proposals. Through a combination of seminars, discussions, examples, and hands-on activities, with a particular focus on navigating between-the-lines on how to tailor your proposals to grant reviewers, this training will orient you to all aspects of the academic funding process (i.e., grant writing and grant strategizing), including:
How to identify and apply for the right funding opportunities with the NIH (and beyond);
How to position your research and yourself to make reviewers your research advocates;
How to target your application to the right place at the right time; and
How to write clearly, effectively, and persuasively when telling your scientific story.
The workshop will begin with a live online seminar 3-4 weeks before the 2-day boot camp to introduce the fundamentals of drafting the Specific Aims page— that oh-so-important project overview that can ‘make or break’ the reviewers’ perception of the application.
The 2-day portion of the boot camp will cover critical topics that help you package your proposal for maximum impact:
What the Aims page captures, why it’s so important to get it right, and how to tackle it
A comprehensive introduction to NIH funding announcements and award mechanisms: What to apply for and how to apply
Merit review: Understanding who, what, why, and how enables you to frame your application
Principles of good communication: How to ‘sell’ yourself and your science
Psychology of grant review
Tackling resubmissions for ultimate success
Attendees will leave the boot camp with:
A foundational understanding of the NIH granting process and how it pertains to public health research
Hard-copy reference materials for information retention & review
A refined Aims page
A refined NIH Biosketch
One round of written feedback for a Specific Aims page will be made available to all attendees for 3 months after the boot camp, at no additional cost, further solidifying the boot camp concepts into practical skills.